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Links mentioned during the discussions

Review of the presentation given by Marcel Fortin and Byron Moldofsky at the Carto 2013 conference  (presentation slides).

This presentation reiterated the need to share resources and create a community of historical GIS practitioners.

The last session was devoted to drawing up an action plan. Firstly, event participants were encouraged to subscribe to the hgis-sigh mailing list. Léon Robichaud will work with Rebecca Bartlett, Marc Saint-Hilaire and Byron Molodofsky to put together a portal listing the available resources, tools and data. Various members of the team, including Jim Clifford, will participate in a pilot project to define the necessary settings for an open data repository. To follow up on the initiatives begun in Montreal, several of the individuals present will use the Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences hosted by Brock University as an opportunity to organize a second meeting for the purpose of writing a grant proposal. Don Lafreniere, co-chair of the Historical Geography Network of the Social Science History Association, strongly encouraged participants to propose a round table discussion for the SSHA’s next annual meeting, which will be held in Toronto in November 2014. The event therefore successfully mobilized stakeholders and set up some initiatives to ensure the long-term development of expertise and cooperation.

Links mentioned during the discussions