Presentation by Stéfano Biondo
Presentation by David Harris Smith
Links mentioned during the discussions
Presentation of online visualization systems and discussion of the needs of various publics (researchers, students, general public) in different contexts (scientific research, schools, museums, etc.).
- Session moderator: Léon Robichaud (Université de Sherbrooke)
Presentation by Stéfano Biondo (Université Laval)
GéoIndex+ is a web tool for geospatial data discovery. It includes a powerful text search engine that uses semantic autocompletion and a directory of key subject headings. It can also filter results according to a number of criteria, such as year, type of data (raster or vector) or type of geometry. Data can be extracted in several formats (.pdf, .json, .mapinfo, etc.).
In addition to retrieving the Centre GéoStat collections of Université Laval’s library, the project required georeferencing a number of historical maps, such as fire insurance maps. The platform is flexible enough to accommodate even more data of various types. Numerous technologies, notably MapServer, PostGis, GeoNetwork Opensource, Apache Soil, PostGIS, Jquery and FME, were needed to create such a powerful tool.
Presentation by David Harris Smith (McMaster University)
MacGRID is a simulation research network platform used primarily to represent urban activity. Used for both research and creation, it is a multidisciplinary and multi-user tool. The goal of macGRID is to encourage resource and knowledge sharing using avatar virtual worlds and mixed reality systems. The technology used is OpenSim, based on Second Life. The platform is also a network for academic, industry and community partners.
MacGRID data are continuously backed up and archived. Server space is available thanks to the SHARCNET network and McMaster University. Individual virtual spaces can be easily migrated and duplicated.
One of the platform’s projects is to recreate and analyze a section of street in Hamilton, Ontario. This project is a partnership with the City of Hamilton. A team of student assistants, with no experience in 3D reproduction, had no trouble recreating the desired environment.
Links mentioned during the discussions
- Géoindex+:
- RVM Répertoire des vedettes matières (directory of key subject headings):
- Université Laval Library Centre Géostat:
- macGRID Simulation Research Forum:
- Second Life:
- OpenSim:
- Virtual Hamilton:
- Encitra Visualization Model of Podcar System at Uppsala, Sweden, Transportation Center: